Sunday, November 16, 2014

Gluing the ribs

Continuing with the wing assembly, yesterday we began the process of setting the foam ribs in place.

As described by the kit instructions, we start by applying a thin layer of Gorilla glue (previously mixed with water) on each end. Then, after setting them in place we wrapped them around with fiber glass tape. Gorilla glue expands quite a bit, so it is key to place *and tape* one rib at a time, otherwise you run the risk that the expanding glue will shift things around. The roaster jig that mike suggested we built for the wing, helped a lot in the rib setting process.

After the first set of ribs was in place, we decided to place the the drag strut diagonally through the rib holes.  We carefully shaved the rib's holes on the inside, just enough to allow the drug strut to fit in place with out bending any of the ribs.

By the end of the day , we finished the first section with pretty good results. All in all , the process is not difficult, it just takes a little patience to get the ribs placed right.

First section glued and tape wrapped

To be honest, the hardest part was to handle the amount of on lookers that kept dropping by, to chat and check things out !
See you next week!

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